A crane service company for sale
Crane service company for sale - Transaction completed

A small company selling and installing cranes for trucks. Long history with an excellent customer base. Revenue about €3 million. Highly skilled employees can build special configurations on trucks.

Transaction completed

A small technology company wanted

A small technology company wanted

Our customer is looking for a software technology company from Northern Europe (preferably Poland) that provides extensions or add-ons to web hosting panels such as c-Panel and...

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A digital marketing company for sale

A digital marketing company for sale

We have sell mandate on a small digital marketing company that has a solid business. The owners have several other businesses and due to lack of time, they are willing to...

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A Nordic ERP integrator for sale

A Nordic ERP integrator for sale

A small ERP integrator providing a full spectrum of services and technical solutions to selected industries in Finland is for sale. The owners are selling their shares of the...

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A small hosting company wanted

A small hosting company wanted

We have a buy mandate on a small hosting company with loyal customers and profitable operations. If you are interested in this acquisition opportunity, please contact...

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A small data center for sale

A small data center for sale

A small data center with €1 million revenue. Profitable operations. Serving mainly industry segment and running mission-critical applications in their data center. Data center...

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