2025 Tech M&A Outlook: Key Trends, Risks, and Predictions

Market Recovery and Growth Strong Rebound Expected: Following a subdued 2023–2024, tech M&A is set for a rebound in 2025, with 87% of dealmakers anticipating increased transaction volumes....

A lot of uncertainties impacting the 2023 M&A market

After the record-breaking year in 2021, the global M&A market has returned to pre-2020 levels of activity during 2022. Geopolitical pressures such as the war in Ukraine, inflationary pressure,...

M&A market outlook 2022

After the highly volatile year of 2020, the global mergers and acquisitions (M&A) market has reached record levels in the year 2021. The combination of readily available capital due to...

M&A market outlook – what to do now and what to expect to happen

2020 was a better M&A year than expected. Although, the number of M&A deals dropped in Q2 and Q3 compared to 2019. In some industry sectors, 2020 was a better year than many people expected....

ICT M&A during COVID-19 crisis

It seems that COVID-19 has impacted the M&A market quite heavily, which is not surprising. The overall number of transactions will drop steeply during 2020. However, the number of ICT...

The valuation vs. market price. What´s the difference?

A market valuation helps determine the company’s worth on the market. Valuing a business is often described both as an art and a science. Usually, there is a gap between valuation and the market...

Why do companies make acquisitions?

According to my experience, there is only one formula for selecting acquisition targets successfully. It is the business strategy: each merger or acquisition must have its business growth objective....

Growing inorganically: the secret to a successful M&A valuation

Is inorganic growth your strategic choice? Have you acquired a company, or are you planning to do so? As I wrote in a previous article, it is essential to always check the strategy fit from...

If you intend to sell your business – plan ahead

Selling your business can be an attractive scenario for any entrepreneur. When you’ve decided to market your business, my first question is: why? Your potential buyer will ask this also. Some...

Opportunities to increase your company´s value

Usually, at a certain point in the life cycle of small and medium-sized companies, the owners decide to sell. The case depends mainly on the timing and the money offered. Why sell your business? How...

Is now the right time to sell your business?

This seems to be a high season regarding valuations in the ICT industry. We have had many deal closings during the last 18 months, and there will be more announcements at the end of the year. Is now...

A year of ownership changes in small and midsize ICT services companies

Our study shows that ownership changed in 52% of the IT service companies with less than €25 million in sales between 2015 and 2018. We followed ownership arrangements of 65 companies over 36...
M&A market outlook 2022

M&A market outlook 2022

After the highly volatile year of 2020, the global mergers and acquisitions (M&A) market has reached record levels in the year 2021. The combination of readily available...

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ICT M&A during COVID-19 crisis

ICT M&A during COVID-19 crisis

It seems that COVID-19 has impacted the M&A market quite heavily, which is not surprising. The overall number of transactions will drop steeply during 2020. However, the...

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Articles on mergers and acquisitions

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