A small hosting company wanted
A small hosting company wanted - Transaction completed 2016

We have a buy mandate on a small hosting company with loyal customers and profitable operations.


Transaction completed

Virtual desktops company for sale

Virtual desktops company for sale

A profitable and growing Finnish company specializing in virtual desktops is open for sale. The company offers software solutions to its clients that improve digital security and...

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A small data center for sale

A small data center for sale

A fast-growing small profitable data center is open for sale. Good customer base and excellent location. Very competent and loyal employees. Sales growing despite...

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Software license operations wanted

Software license operations wanted

We have a buyer who wants to buy software license businesses. The following countries being focused on: Finland, Ireland, and the Netherlands. The deal should include more than...

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A test automation company for sale

A test automation company for sale

A small test automation software company. Its focus is on automated user interface testing, which helps organizations check the status of their sites. The company has customers...

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A profitable software company for sale

A profitable software company for sale

A software development company with a highly skilled team and field-leading international customers is for sale. Its long-term investors are considering an exit, but the top...

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